Areas of Practice


Among the members of Arnot Manderson Advocates are counsel at the very forefront of family law. Our dedicated Family Law Group reflects the high level of expertise within our stable in this area. Many of our members possess extensive experience of advising on a wide variety of family law issues and conducting all types of family law hearings and proofs. Appearances extend to Sheriff Courts throughout Scotland, both houses of the Court of Session and the UK Supreme Court. Our members are regularly invited to speak on family law matters at conferences and seminars. Some are also available for instruction as family law arbitrators.

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AMFLG 4th Family Law Conference, Perth

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AMA Welcomes Three Newly Called Advocates

ARNOT MANDERSON WELCOMES THREE NEWLY CALLED ADVOCATES Arnot Manderson Advocates has welcomed Wojciech Jajdelski, Scott Manson and David Massaro to the stable following their admission [...]

AM Advocates welcome Laura Thomson, Advocate

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Ceit-Anna MacLeod resists two Permanence Orders

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Nicola Gilchrist speaks at Womans Day Event

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Kate Dowdalls QC in success before Sheriff Principal

Arnot Manderson Advocates member, Kate Dowdalls Q.C., appeared recently for the successful appellant in the case of Cameron v Lukes. The judgment of Sheriff Principal [...]

Lisa Gillespie, Advocate on The Taylor Review

Published in September 2013, the report of the Review of Expenses and Funding of Civil Litigation in Scotland by Sheriff Principal James Taylor makes important [...]

Nicola Gilchrist – Director of Scottish Women’s Aid

Arnot Manderson Advocates is delighted to announce that Nicola Gilchrist, Advocate has been appointed as a director of Scottish Women’s Aid.  Scottish Women’s Aid plays [...]

AMA & SYLA Advocacy Skills Event, 11th November 2013

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AMFLG Annual Family Law Conference

The Arnot Manderson Family Law Group are delighted to invite you to their third Annual Family Law Conference. The conference, which will be chaired by [...]