Kenneth Campbell QC Appointed to the Mental Health Tribunal For Scotland
Arnot Manderson Advocates are delighted to announce that silk Kenneth Campbell QC has been appointed as one of eight new Legal Members of the Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland. The MHTS is responsible for making, and reviewing, orders for the detention and compulsory care and treatment of people in Scotland with a mental disorder.
Cases before the Tribunal are considered and decided upon by individual panels comprising a general member, a medical member and convened by a legal member.
There are eight new legal members and nineteen new medical members who were were appointed on 1st October 2016 by the Minister for Community Safety and Legal Affairs, Annabelle Ewing, MSP. The Minister commented that the appointees bring a wealth of skills and experience to the Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland, and congratulated them, trusting that they will find their roles both interesting and rewarding.
Kenneth joins fellow Arnot Manderson Members Jane Patrick and Marian Gilmore QC as MHTS members.