9th May 2024
Scotsman Hotel, Edinburgh,
AM Advocates launch new Commercial Practice Group with free CPD Seminar and Drinks Reception.
Arnot Manderson’s Commercial Law Group are pleased to invite members of the profession to (their first) free CPD Seminar at the Scotsman Hotel, Edinburgh on the 9th May 2024.
The event programme is:
2:40pm Registration – Tea & Coffee
3:00pm Welcome and Introduction from event chair Iain Mitchell KC
3:05pm The approach to and the experience of giving expert evidence on foreign law in a Scottish court – a conversation between Professor Claudio Michelon and Fergus Whyte, Advocate.
3:35pm Iain Mitchell KC – Statutory Interpretation – a Science or an Art? – The principles of statutory interpretation are well known and long established, but what may matter more in any given case is not what the principles are, but how the courts apply them. This talk explores the very different approaches taken by the Sheriff Court and Sheriff Appeal Court on the one hand, and the Inner House on the other in the recent case of King v Black Horse [2024] CSIH 3, to the interpretation of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and discusses whether we could ever see the day when statutes are interpreted algorithmically by Artificial Intelligence Systems.
4:05pm Neil Morrison, Advocate – Winning the What-ifs: Loss of Chance Commercial Claims. The key elements of a loss of chance claim will be explored and discussed: Duty of care, Burden of proof, Causation, Evaluation of loss of chance and a review of recent loss of chance case law including Centenary 6 Limited v TLT LLP
4:35pm Question and Answer session
4:50pm Closing remarks
5:00pm Drinks Reception in the The Fettercairn Garden Suite
The event will count for 2 hours CPD.
To book a place click HERE

Iain Mitchell KC

Fergus Whyte

Neil Morrison.