The Tumbling Lassie 2018 and Disrupting Trafficking Networks
On 14 April 2018 – the day that Alexander McCall Smith’s operetta about the freedom story of the 1687 tumbling lassie received its world premiere at Prestonfield House – the Faculty of Advocates also hosted the third Tumbling Lassie Seminar. Pam Bowen CBE, Senior Policy Advisor at the Crown Prosecution Service in London joined with Police Scotland’s DCI Rory Hamilton from the Human Trafficking Unit in Gartcosh, and Alison Di Rollo QC, Solicitor General for Scotland for COPFS in tackling the important topic of Disrupting Trafficking Networks. IJM’s Scottish Director Andy Bevan and TARA’s Bronagh Andrew gave strategic and practical insights. At the start of the day, the Mackenzie Building audience heard from an IJM lawyer from Chennai, Raja Ebenezer. His motivation to undertake 5 years of legal studies had come from his own rescue, made possible by IJM, from bonded labour in an Indian brick kiln at the age of 16.
For a roundup of the talks and discussions from the Seminar’s chair, Eric Robertson Advocate see
The Tumbling Lassie Committee exists to raise awareness and funds for the trafficking charities it supports – again this year, International Justice Mission (IJM) and TARA (Trafficking Awareness Raising Alliance, who provide vital support and counselling to women rescued in Scotland).
If you would like to make a cash donation to that appeal, with the possibility of gift-aiding that donation, please do visit the Virgin Money Giving page at:

Pam Bowen CBE, Crown Prosecution Service (L) and Bronagh Andrew of TARA (R)

Eric Robertson, AM Advocates