Arnot Manderson Member Neil Mackenzie has been appointed the Faculty of Advocates new Director of Training and Education, becoming the sixth Advocate (and third Arnot Manderson member after Kenneth Campbell QC and Sheriff Pino Di Emidio) to hold the post.
In announcing the appointment, the Dean of Faculty, Gordon Jackson, QC, thanked all those who had expressed an interest in the “demanding role”. Neil will lead the Devils’ skills programme and is responsible for overseeing the Faculty’s CPD scheme, for providing CPD for Members of Faculty and for training towards, assisting members in and reviewing the Faculty’s Quality Assurance scheme
Mr Mackenzie said: “Nearly 20 years ago, I benefited hugely from my training as a Devil. It is now my privilege to build on the extraordinary work of my predecessors, most recently David Parratt and Claire Mitchell (interim director).
“The collegiate nature of Faculty is one of its main strengths and I shall draw on its talented members to launch this year’s Devils into their careers and serve the needs of those already in practice.”

Neil Mackenzie, Advocate.