Preparations for the stable’s 2013 Advocacy Skills workshop are nearing completion. This will provide a valuable opportunity for participants to practice their skills in realistic court room settings.
The stable is well placed to put on this event. Past events have been very successful and there has been very positive feedback from participants.
Arnot Manderson Advocates is committed to excellence in advocacy at all levels of courts. Its membership has a strong record of contributing to the Faculty’s intensive Training Programme Course for Devils. Two members (Kenneth Campbell QC and Pino Di Emidio) have been Director of Training and Education in the Faculty, and another (Hugh Olson) was Assistant Director. Many other members are training skills instructors who regularly take part in the Faculty’s current Training Programme.
There will be a mixture of seminars and practical workshops designed to help participants to improve their skills both in relation to preparation for proof and in court. The event is based on a realistic scenario which has been designed by Kenneth Campbell QC who has organised the event in previous yes. This year it is being headed up by Pino Di Emidio. All instructors have substantial advocacy teaching experience as well as a depth of practical in court experience.
A few places remain available. For further details, please contact Andrew Sutherland on 0131 260 5824 or